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h-index 26 [Research Gate]


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  1. N. Shinohara, T. Oguri, M. Takagi, J. Ueyama, T. Isobe. (2024). Phthalates and Non-Phthalate Plasticizers in House Dust from 100 Japanese Houses and Their Risk Evaluation. Environment International 183: 108399. Full Text
    [Impact Factor: 11.8 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  2. N. Shinohara. (2023). Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate transfer from polyvinyl chloride sheet to several kinds of particles. Chemosphere 338: 139438. Full Text
    [Impact Factor: 8.8 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  3. N. Shinohara, K. Hashimoto, H. Kim, H. Yoshida-Ohuchi. (2023). Fungi, mites/ticks, allergens, and endotoxins in different size fractions of house dust from long-term uninhabited houses and inhabited houses. Building and Environment 229: 109918. Full Text
    [Impact Factor: 7.4 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  4. N. Shinohara, M. Ogata, H. Kim, N. Kagi, K. Tatsu, F. Inui, W. Naito. (2023). Evaluation of shields and ventilation as a countermeasure to protect bus drivers from infection. Environmental Research 216: 114603. Full Text
    [Impact Factor: 8.3 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  5. N. Shinohara, K. Tatsu, N. Kagi, H. Kim, J. Sakaguchi, I. Ogura, Y. Murashima, H. Sakurai, W. Naito. (2022). Air exchange Rates and Advective Diffusion of CO2 and Aerosol in Commuter Bus for Evaluation of Infection risk. Indoor Air 32: e13019. Full Text
    [Impact Factor: 6.554 (2021); Cited number: 5]

  6. N. Shinohara, J. Sakaguchi, H. Kim, N. Kagi, K. Tatsu, H. Mano, Y. Iwasaki, W. Naito. (2021). Survey of air exchange rates and evaluation of airborne infection risk of COVID-19 on commuter trains. Environment International 157: 106774. Full Text
    [Impact Factor: 9.621 (2020); Cited number: 26]

  7. N. Shinohara, H. Yoshida-Ohuuchi. (2021). Resuspension and deposition of PM2.5 and PM10 containing radiocesium during and after indoor cleaning of uninhabited houses in Fukushima, Japan. Chemosphere 272: 129934. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 7.086 (2020); Cited number: 3]

  8. N. Shinohara, C. Woo, N. Yamamoto, K. Hashimoto, H. Yoshida-Ohuchi, Y. Kawakami. (2021). Comparison of DNA sequencing and morphological identification techniques to characterize environmental fungal communities. Scientific reports 11: 2633. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.380 (2020); Cited number: 20]

  9. N. Shinohara, K. Uchino. (2020). Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) emission to indoor air and transfer to house dust from a PVC sheet. Science of the Total Environment 711: 134573. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 7.963 (2020); Cited number: 28]

  10. N. Shinohara, A. Mizukoshi, M. Uchiyama, H. Tanaka. (2019). Emission characteristics of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) from building materials determined using a passive flux sampler and micro-chamber. PLoS One: 0222557. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.240 (2019); Cited number: 11]

  11. N. Shinohara, H. Yoshida-Ohuuchi. (2019). Radiocesium concentration in indoor air during residential house cleaning in Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant evacuation areas. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 205-206: 127-134. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.161 (2019); Cited number: 7]

  12. N. Shinohara, Y. Okazaki, A. Mizukoshi, S. Wakamatsu. (2019). Exposure to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde in and around gas stations in Japan. Chemosphere, 222: 923-931.Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 5.778 (2019); Cited number: 19]

  13. N. Shinohara, K. Hasegawa, N. Kagi, J. Sakaguchi, Y. Shiraishie, T. Mitamura. (2018). Microbial volatile organic compounds and dampness in 60 houses of East Japan. Building and Environment, 132: 338-344.Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.820 (2018); Cited number: 4]

  14. N. Shinohara, H. Yoshida-Ohuuchi. (2018). Radiocesium contamination in house dust within evacuation areas close to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Environment International, 114: 107-114.Abstract & Full paper
    [Impact Factor: 7.943 (2018); Cited number: 18]

  15. N. Shinohara, M. Tokumura, U. Yanagi. (2018). Indoor fungal levels in temporary houses occupied following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. Building and Environment, 129(2): 26-34.Abstract & Full paper
    [Impact Factor: 4.820 (2018); Cited number: 19]

  16. N. Shinohara, G. Zhang, Y. Oshima, T. Kobayashi, N. Imatanaka, M. Nakai, T. Sasaki, K. Kawaguchi, M. Gamo. (2017). Kinetics and dissolution of intratracheally administered nickel oxide nanomaterials in rats. Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 14:48 (1-14).Abstract & Full paper
    [Impact Factor: 6.105 (2017); Cited number: 35]

  17. N. Shinohara, M. Tokumura, K. Hashimoto, K. Asano, Y. Kawakami. (2017). Fungal levels in houses in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant evacuation zone after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 67(10): 1106-1114.Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.742 (2017); Cited number: 18]

  18. G. Zhang, N. Shinohara*, Y. Oshima, T. Kobayashi, N. Imatanaka, K. Kawaguchi, M. Gamo. (2017). Comparison of the local pulmonary distribution of nanoparticles administered intratracheally to rats via gavage needle or microsprayer delivery devices. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 37(4): 502-507. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.909 (2017); Cited number: 5]

  19. N. Shinohara, F. Angeles, R. Basaldud, B. Cardenas, S. Wakamatsu. (2017). Reductions in commuter exposure to volatile organic compounds in Mexico City due to the environmental program ProAire2002-2010. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 28: 339-345. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.083 (2017); Cited number: 1]

  20. G. Zhang, N. Shinohara*, H. Kano, H. Senoh, M. Suzuki, T. Sasaki, S. Fukushima, M. Gamo. (2016). Quantitative evaluation of local pulmonary distribution of TiO2 in rats following single or multiple intratracheal administrations of TiO2 nanoparticles using X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 36(10): 1268-1275. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.159 (2016); Cited number: 8]

  21. N. Shinohara,T. Nakazato, K. Ohkawa, M. Tamura, N. Kobayashi, Y. Morimoto, T. Oyabu, T. Myojo, M. Shimada, K. Yamamoto, H. Tao, M. Ema, M. Naya, J. Nakanishi. (2016). Long-term retention of pristine multi-walled carbon nanotubes in rat lungs after intratracheal instillation. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 36(4):501-509. Abstract & Full paper
    [Impact Factor: 3.159 (2016); Cited number: 24]

  22. N. Shinohara,Y. Oshima, T. Kobayashi, N. Imatanaka, M. Nakai, T. Ichinose, T. Sasaki, K. Kawaguchi, G. Zhang, M. Gamo. (2015). Pulmonary clearance kinetics and extrapulmonary translocation of seven titanium dioxide nano and submicron materials following intratracheal administration in rats. NanoToxicology, 9(8): 1050-1058. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 7.913 (2015); Cited number: 19]

  23. G. Zhang, N. Shinohara*, H. Kano, H. Senoh, M. Suzuki, T. Sasaki, S. Fukushima, M. Gamo. (2015). Quantitative evaluation of the pulmonary microdistribution of TiO2 nanoparticles using XRF microscopy after intratracheal administration with a microsprayer in rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 35(6): 623-630. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.722 (2015); Cited number: 10]

  24. N. Shinohara,Y. Oshima, T. Kobayashi, N. Imatanaka, M. Nakai, T. Ichinose, T. Sasaki, G. Zhang, H. Fukui, M. Gamo. (2014). Dose-dependent clearance kinetics of intratracheally administered titanium dioxide nanoparticles in rat lung. Toxicology, 325(5): 1-11. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.621 (2014); Cited number: 27]

  25. N. Shinohara,M. Tokumura, M. Kazama, Y. Yonemoto, M. Yoshioka, N. Kagi, K. Hasegawa, H. Yoshino, U Yanagi. (2014). Indoor air quality and thermal comfort in temporary houses occupied following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Indoor Air, 24 (4): 425-437. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.904 (2014); Cited number: 24]

  26. N. Shinohara,N. Danno, T. Ichinose, T. Sasaki, H. Fukui, K. Honda, M. Gamo. (2014). Tissue distribution and clearance of intravenously administered titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles. NanoToxicology, 8 (2): 132-141. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 6.411 (2014); Cited number: 58]

  27. N. Shinohara,M. Tokumura, M. Kazama, H. Yoshino, S. Ochiai, A. Mizukoshi. (2013). Indoor air quality, air exchange rates, and radioactivity in new built temporary houses following the Great East Japan Earthquake in Minamisoma, Fukushima. Indoor Air, 23 (4): 332-341. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.202 (2013); Cited number: 14]

  28. N. Shinohara,M. Gamo,J. Nakanishi. (2011). Fullerene C60: Inhalation hazard assessment and derivation of a period-limited acceptable exposure level. Toxicological Sciences, 123 (2): 576-589. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.652 (2011); Cited number: 23]

  29. N. Shinohara,T. Kataoka,K. Takamine,M. Gamo. (2011). Distribution and variability of the 24-h average air exchange rates and interzonal flow rates in 26 Japanese residences over 5 seasons. Atmospheric Environment, 45 (21): 3548-3552. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.465 (2011); Cited number: 24]

  30. N. Shinohara,T. Kataoka,K. Takamine,M. Butsugan,H. Nishijima,M. Gamo. (2010). Modified Perfluorocarbon Tracer Method for Measuring Effective Multizone Air Exchange Rates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7(9): 3348-3358. Abstract & Full text
    [Impact Factor: 1.605 (2011); Cited number: 10]

  31. N. Shinohara,T. Nakazato,M. Tamura,S. Endoh,H. Fukui,Y. Morimoto,T. Myojo,M. Shimada,K. Yamamoto, H. Tao,Y. Yoshida,J. Nakanishi. (2010). Clearance kinetics of fullerene C60 nanoparticles from rat lungs after intratracheal C60 instillation and inhalation C60 exposure. Toxicological Sciences, 118(2): 564-573. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 5.093 (2010); Cited number: 43]

  32. 篠原直秀, 二俣みな子, 蒲生昌志. (2009). 一般家庭の用途別部屋ごとの家具/家電製品等の保有率と保有量. 室内環境学会誌, 12(2): 115-124. Abstract

  33. N. Shinohara,K. Matsumoto,S. Endoh,J. Maru,J. Nakanishi. (2009). In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests on fullerene C60 nanoparticles. Toxicology Letters,191 (2-3): 189-196. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.479 (2009); Cition number: 110]
    (Top 25 Hottest articleに選ばれました《Toxicology letters in Science Direct between October 2009 to September 2010 Academic Year [Rank 19]》

  34. N. Shinohara,T. Matsumoto, A. Miyauchi, S. Endo, M. Gamo, Y. Yonezawa, J. Nakanishi. (2009). Is Lipid Peroxidation Induced by the Aqueous Suspension of Fullerene C60 Nanoparticles in the Brains of Cyprinus carpio?. Environmental Science and Technology, 43 (3): 948-953. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.630 (2009); Cited number: 65]

  35. N. Shinohara,Y. Kai, A. Mizukoshi, M. Fujii, K. Kumagai, M. Jona, Y Okuizumi, Y. Yanagisawa. (2009). On-site Passive Flux Sampler Measurement of Emission Rates of Carbonyls and VOCs from Multiple Indoor Sources. Building and Environment, 44: 859-863. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.797 (2009); Cited number: 62]

  36. N. Shinohara,T. Kajiwara, M. Ohnishi, K. Kodama, Y Yanagisawa. (2008). Passive Emission Colorimetric Sensor (PECS) for Measuring Emission Rates of Formaldehyde based on an Enzymatic Reaction and Reflectance Photometry. Environmental Science and Technology, 42 (12): 4472-4477. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.458 (2008); Cited number: 20]

  37. N. Shinohara,K. Ono, M. Gamo. (2008). p-Dichlorobenzene emission rates from moth repellents and leakage rates from cloth storage cases. Indoor Air, 18 (1): 63-71.Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.151 (2008); Cited number: 13]

  38. 篠原直秀, 梶原智寿, 藤井実, 落合聖史, 小林拓夫, 内富男, 柳沢幸雄. (2007). 酵素反応及び反射分光光度計を用いたホルムアルデヒド放散量測定器の開発. 室内環境学会誌, 9 (3): 75-81. Abstract

  39. N. Shinohara,M. Fujii, A. Yamasaki, Y. Yanagisawa. (2007). Passive Flux Sampler for Measurement of Formaldehyde Emission Rates. Atmospheric Environment, 41 (19): 4018-4028. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.549 (2007); Cited number: 42]

  40. 篠原直秀, 柳沢幸雄. (2005). 化学物質過敏症患者の症状発現時の行動および症状と化学物質への曝露との関係. 臨床環境医学, 13(2): 93-101. Abstract

  41. N. Shiohara,A. Fernandez,S.B. Jimenez,Y. Yanagisawa. (2005). The Commuters' Exposure to Volatile Chemicals and Carcinogenic Risk in Mexico City. Atmospheric Environment, 39 (19): 3481-3489. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.724 (2005); Cited number: 58]

  42. N. Shinohara,K. Kumagai,N. Yamamoto,Y. Yanagisawa,M. Fujii,A. Yamasaki. (2004). Field Validation of an Active Sampling Cartridge as a Passive Sampler for Long-Term Carbonyl Monitoring. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 54: 419-424. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.357 (2004); Cited number: 17]

  43. N. Shinohara,A. Mizukoshi,Y. Yanagisawa. (2004). Identification of Responsible Volatile Chemicals that Induce Hypersensitive Reactions to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Patients. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 14 (1), 84-91. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.511 (2004); Cited number: 38]



  1. 岩﨑雄一,須藤哲平, 篠原直秀. (2024). 鉱山廃水処理水が流入する直上・直下地点での水質及び底生動物調査:吉乃鉱山での事例. 環境毒性学会誌, 27: 1-8. Full text
    [Impact Factor: 4.6 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  2. S. Higaki, H. Yoshida, N. Shinohara. (2023). Radiocesium-bearing microparticles discovered on masks worn during indoor cleaning near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. Scientific Reports, 13: 10008. Full text
    [Impact Factor: 4.6 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  3. Y. Iwasaki, H. Mano, N. Shinohara (2023). Linking levels of trace-metal concentrations and ambient toxicity to cladocerans to levels of effects on macroinvertebrate communities. Environmental Advances, 11: 100348. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 3.6 (2019-2022); Cited number: 0]

  4. T. Kobayashi, Y. Tsubokura, Y. Oshima, T. Sasaki, K. Kawaguchi, K. Koga, K. Uchida, N. Shinohara, S. Ajimi, T. Kayashima, M. Nakai, N. Imatanaka (2023). Time-course analysis of pulmonary inflammation induced by intratracheal instillation of nanosized crystalline silica particles in F344 rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 43: 649-661. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 3.628 (2022); Cited number: 0]

  5. H. Mano, Y. Iwasaki, N. Shinohara. (2021). Effect-based Water Quality Assessment of Rivers Receiving Discharges from Legacy Mines by Using Acute and Chronic Bioassays with Two Cladoceran Species. Water Supply, 22: 3603-3616. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 1.275 (2020); Cited number: 1]

  6. H. Mano, N. Shinohara, A. Peters, E. Garman, E. Middleton, C. Schlekat, W. Naito. (2021). Variation in chronic nickel toxicity to Daphnia magna among Japanese river waters and performance evaluation of bioavailability models in predicting the toxicity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 27664-27676. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 3.056 (2020); Cited number: 0]

  7. 達晃一, 篠原直秀, 金勲, 鍵直樹, 坂口淳, 飯田明由, 山内康, 安原幸生, 坪倉誠, 内藤航. (2021). 公共交通機関におけるエアロゾル挙動とウイルスの対策手法検討. 自動車技術会論文集, 52: 1013-1020. Abstract

  8. M. Tokumura, N. Shinohara, M. Kazama, K. Hashimoto, Y. Kawakami. (2021). Evaluation of a Fenton Reaction?based Fungicide for Disinfection of Moldy Houses in the Evacuation Zone of the Great East Japan Earthquake: Lab and field tests. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9: 105485. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 5.909 (2020); Cited number: 0]

  9. H. Namba, Y. Iwasaki, K. Morita, T. Ogino, H. Mano, N. Shinohara, T. Yasutaka, H. Matsuda, M. Kamo. (2021). Comparing impacts of metal contamination on macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in a northern Japanese river. PeerJ, 9: e10808. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 2.379 (2019); Cited number: 0]

  10. 野村, 佳緒里, 鍵 直樹, 篠原直秀 篠原直秀. (2021). 室内環境中におけるハウスダストへのDEHP吸着特性及び吸着予測モデルの構築. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 86: 167-174. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: ; Cited number: 0]

  11. 長谷川 兼一, 鍵 直樹, 坂口淳, 篠原直秀, 白石靖幸, 三田村輝章. (2021). 住宅のダンプネスと室内環境に関する調査研究-筆者らが提案するダンプネスの評価指標と室内温湿度の関連-. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 86(780):197-204. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: ; Cited number: 0]

  12. H. Yoshida‑Ohuchi, N. Shinohara. (2020). Estimated internal exposure doses due to indoor radiocaesium contamination in residential houses after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Scientific Reports, 10: 17212. Full text
    , [Impact Factor: 4.380 (2020); Cited number: 5]

  13. T. Kobayashi, Y. Oshima, Y. Tsubokura, T. Muroi, S. Ajimi, M. Nakai, K. Kawaguchi, T. Sasaki, N. Shinohara, N. Imatanaka (2021). Time-course comparison of pulmonary inflammation induced by intratracheal instillation of four different nickel oxide nanoparticles in male Fischer rats. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology, 34: 43-55. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 3.628 (2022); Cited number: 2]

  14. H. Mano, N. Shinohara, W. Naito. (2020). Reproduction Sensitivity of Five Daphnia Species to Nickel. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 18: 372-382. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: ; Cited number: 1]

  15. H. Mano, N. Shinohara. (2020). Acute Toxicity of Nickel to Daphnia magna: Validation of Bioavailability Models in Japanese Rivers. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 231: 459. Abstract
    , [Impact Factor: 1.900 (2019); Cited number: 3]

  16. Y. Iwasaki, M. Fujisawa, T. Ogino, H. Mano, N. Shinohara, S. Masunaga, M. Kamo. (2020). Does a sum of toxic units exceeding 1 imply adverse impacts on macroinvertebrate assemblages? A field study in a northern Japanese river receiving treated mine discharge. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192: 83Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.903 (2019); Cited number: 7]

  17. 長谷川 兼一, 鍵 直樹, 坂口淳, 篠原直秀, 白石靖幸, 三田村輝章. (2018). 住宅のダンプネスの経年変化が小児・児童のアレルギー性症状に及ぼす影響に関する全国調査. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 83(754):1025-1032. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: ; Cited number: 2]

  18. S. Higaki, Y. Kurihara, H. Yoshida, Y. Takahashi, N. Shinohara. (2017). Discovery of non-spherical heterogeneous radiocesium-bearing particles not derived from Unit 1 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, in residences five years after the accident. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 177: 65-70. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.310 (2016); Cited number: 38]

  19. K. Fujita, M. Fukuda, S. Endoh, J. Maru, H. Kato, A. Nakamura, N. Shinohara, K. Uchino, K. Honda. (2016). Pulmonary and pleural inflammation after intratracheal instillation of short single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Toxicology Letters, 257: 23-37. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.522 (2015); Cited number: 42]

  20. 長谷川 兼一, 鍵 直樹, 坂口淳, 篠原直秀, 白石靖幸, 三田村輝章. (2016). 住宅のダンプネスのアンケートによる評価法の提案と子供のアレルギー疾患に及ぼす影響に関する全国調査. 日本建築学会環境系論文集81(723): 477-485. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: ; Cited number: 5]

  21. 長谷川麻子, 柳宇, 鍵直樹, 長谷川兼一, 篠原直秀, 阿部恵子, 吉野博. (2016). 阿蘇市における応急仮設住宅の室内空気環境に関する調査研究. 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 81(721): 15-21. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: ; Cited number: 1]

  22. I. Kanda, N. Shinohara, F. Angeles, S. Wakamatsu. (2015). Measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide by Passive Samplers and Numerical Prediction by a Gaussian Plume-Puff Model in a Roadside Area of Mexico City.愛媛大学農学部紀要, 60: 15-24. Abstract

  23. M. Horie, H. Kato, S. Endoh, A. Nakamura, J. Maru, N. Shinohara, K. Fujita. (2015). Effects of various carbon nanotube suspensions on A549, THP-1, and peritoneal macrophage cells.Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 24: 1-13. Abstract
    [Cited number: 1]

  24. K. Fujita, M. Fukuda, S Endo, J. Maru, H. Kato, A. Nakamura, N. Shinohara, K. Uchino, K. Honda. (2015). Size effects of single-walled carbon nanotubes on in vivo and in vitro pulmonary toxicity.Inhalation Toxicology, 27(4): 207-233. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.260 (2014); Cited number: 75]

  25. K. Hasegawa, H. Yoshino, U Yanagi, K. Azuma, H. Osawa, N. Kagi, N. Shinohara, A. Hasegawa. (2015). Indoor Environmental Problems and Health Status in Water-damaged Homes due to Tsunami Disaster in Japan.Building and Environment, 93: 24-34. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.341 (2014); Cited number: 13]

  26. K. Azuma, R. Funaki, A. Hasegawa , N. Shinohara, M. Yamaguchi, K. Fujita, Y. Kikuchi , S. Tanabe. (2014). Integrating requirements for the delivery of information relating to construction-product compositions.Indoor and Built Environment 23: 653-664. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.716 (2013); Cited number: 1]

  27. M. Horie, K. Nishio, H. Kato, N. Shinohara, A. Nakamura, K. Fujita, S. Kinugasa, S. Endoh, Y. Yoshida, Y. Hagihara, H. Iwahashi. (2013). In vitro evaluation of cellular influences induced by stable fullerene C70 medium dispersion: Induction of cellular oxidative stress. Chemosphere, 93 (6): 1182-1188. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 3.137 (2012); Cited number: 16]

  28. K. Fujita, M. Fukuda, S. Endoh, H. Kato, J. Maru, A. Nakamura, K. Uchino, N. Shinohara, S. Obara, R. Nagano, M. Horie, S. Kinugasa, H. Hashimoto, A. Kishimoto. (2013). Physical properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes in cell culture and their dispersal due to alveolar epithelial cell response. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 23 (8): 598-609. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.367 (2012); Cited number: 27]

  29. A. Ogami, K.Yamamoto, Y. Morimoto, K. Fujita, M. Hirohashi, T. Oyabu, T. Myojo, K. Nishi, C. Kadoya, M. Todoroki, M. Yamamoto, M. Murakami, M. Shimada, W. Wang, N. Shinohara, S. Endoh, K. Uchida, J. Nakanishi, I. Tanaka. (2011). Pathological features of rat lung following inhalation and intratracheal instillation of C60 fullerene. Inhalation Toxicology. 23 (7): 407-416. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 1.919 (2011); Cited number: 30]

  30. M. Horie, K. Nishio, H. Kato, N. Shinohara, A. Nakamura, S. Kinugasa, S. Endoh, O. Yamamoto, E. Niki, Y. Yoshida, H. Iwahashi. (2010). In vitro evaluation of cellular responses induced by stable fullerene C60 medium dispersion. Journal of Biochemistry. 148: 289-298. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 2.145 (2010); Cited number: 48]

  31. H. Kato, N. Shinohara, A. Nakamura, M. Horie, K. Fujita, K. Takahashi, H. Iwahashi, S. Endoh, S. Kinugasa. (2010). Characterization of fullerene colloidal suspension in a cell culture medium for in vitro toxicity assessment. Molecular Biosystems. 6: 1238-1246. Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 4.015 (2009); Cited number: 14]

  32. Y. Morimoto, M. Hirohashi, A. Ogami, T. Oyabu, T. Myojo, K. Nishi, C. Kadoya, M. Todoroki, M. Yamamoto, M. Murakami, M. Shimada, W. Wang, K. Yamamoto, K. Fujita, S. Endoh, K. Uchida, N. Shinohara, J. Nakanishi, I. Tanaka. (2010). Inflammogenic effect of well-characterized fullerene in inhalation and intratracheal instillation studies. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. 7 (4): 1-18. Abstract
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  33. 水越厚史, 山本尚理, 飯塚淳, 篠原直秀, 藤井実, 山崎章弘, 柳沢幸雄. (2008). 曝露環境に基づいたVOC個人曝露量評価 - 特異曝露環境の特定と削減効果の推定. 環境情報科学論文集, 22: 281-286. abstract

  34. Y. Kato, N. Shinohara, J. Yoshinaga, M. Uchida, A. Matsuda, M. Yoneda, Y. Shibata. (2008). Determination of 14C/12C of Acetaldehyde in Indoor Air by Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analysis. Atmospheric Environment, 42: 1049-1056. Abstract
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  35. 倪悦勇,熊谷一清, 吉永淳, 吉野博, 篠原直秀, 柳沢幸雄. (2007). 中国における居住環境中のVOC実態調査. 室内環境学会誌, 9 (3): 61-73. abstract

  36. 吉門洋,東野晴行,高井淳,米澤義堯,井上和也,石川百合子,三田和哲,篠崎裕哉,篠原直秀,東海明宏,吉田喜久雄. (2006). 有害大気汚染物質高排出地域のモデル解析. 大気環境学会誌, 41 (3): 164-174. abstract

  37. M. Saito, H. Kumano, K. Yoshiuchi, N. Kokubo, K. Ohashi, Y. Yamamoto, N. Shinohara, Y. Yanagisawa、K. Sakabe, M. Miyata, S. Ishikawa, T. Kuboki (2005). Symptom Profile of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Actual Life”,,Psychosomatic Medicine, 67 (2): 318-325. Abstract
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  38. 藤井実, 甲斐雄也, 村瀬陽子, 篠原直秀, 熊谷一清, 落合聖史, 常名美貴, 義之信司, 柳沢幸雄. (2004). パッシブフラックスサンプラー(PFS)を用いた化学物質放散特性の解析方法. 室内環境学会誌, 7(2): 16-24. Abstract

  39. 勝山泰郎, 齋藤篤志, 熊谷一清, 篠原直秀, 藤井実, 柳沢幸雄. (2004). 化学物質による発泡プラスチックからの有害物質の放出に関する研究. 室内環境学会誌, 7(2): 1-6. abstract

  40. M. Fujii, N. Shinohara, A. Lim, T. Otake, K. Kumagai, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). A study on emission of phthalate esters from plastic materials using a passive flux sampler. Atmospheric Environment, 37 (39-40): 5495-5504. Abstract
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  1. Y. Morimoto, M. Horie, N. Kobayashi, N. Shinohara, M. Shimada, M (2012). Inhalation Toxicity Assessment of Carbon-Based Nanoparticles. Accounts of cahmical research. 46 (3): 770-781. Abstract
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  2. 森本泰夫, 堀江祐範, 小林憲弘, 篠原 直秀 (2012). 工業用ナノマテリアルの生体影響とリスクアセスメント. 産業医学レビュー. 24(4): 229-252. Abstract
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  3. Y. Morimoto, N. Kobayashi, N. Shinohara, T. Myojo, I. Tanaka, J. Nakanishi (2010). Hazard assessments of manufactured nanomaterials. Journal of Occupational Health. 52(6): 325-334. Abstract
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  1. N. Shinohara (2009). Measurement of adsorption of p-dichlorobenzene to assess the effect of its exposure in indoor environment. Proc. Healthy Building 2009. Paper 397. Abstract

  2. N. Shinohara, T. Kataoka, K. Takamine, T. Nakamura, K. Motohashi, H. Nishijima, M. Gamo. (2006). Within-house and Between-house Variability in concentrations of VOCs and Carbonyl Compounds in indoor air for Risk Assessment ? summer survey-. Proc. Healthy Building 2006, (1) pp.319-324. Abstract

  3. N. Shinohara, A. Kidani, T. Kobayashi, T. Uchi, S. Ochiai, M. Fujii, N. Nakano, Y. Yanagisawa. (2005). Development of Colorimetric Type Passive Flux Sampler for Formaldehyde. Proc. Indoor Air 2005, (3) pp.2665-2668. Abstract

  4. N. Shinohara, M. Fujii, A. Yamasaki, K. Kumagai, S. Gishi, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). Development of passive flux sampler (PFS) for measurement of formaldehyde emission rates. Proc. Healthy Building 2003, (2) pp. 763-769. Abstract

  5. N. Shinohara, Y. Yanagisawa (2002). Comparison of Personal VOC Exposure of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Patients and Non-patients. Proc. Indoor Air 2002, (4) pp. 136-140. Abstract

  6. N. Shinohara, J. Yoshinaga, Y. Yanagisawa. (2001). Identification and Determination of Volatile Chemicals that Induce Hypersensitive Reactions to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Patients. Proc. Clima 2000, (C8) pp. 31-41. Abstract



  1. M. Murakami,T. Yasutaka, M. Onishi, W. Naito, N. Shinohara, T. Okuda, K. Fujii, K. Katayama, S. Imoto. (2021). Living with COVID-19: mass gatherings and minimizing risk. QJM. 114: 437–439.Abstract
    [Impact Factor: 14.040 (2021); Cited number: 13]



  1. K. Fujita, M. Fukuda, S. Endoh, H. Kato, N. Shinohara, R. Nagano, H. Hashimoto, A. Kishimoto, M. Horie. (2013). Cellular responses induced by single-wall carbon nanotubes with varying physical properties in alveolar epithelial cells. The Toxicologist,pp.94-.

  2. K. Azuma, R. Funaki, A. Hasegawa, N. Shinohara, M. Yamaguchi, K. Fujita, Y. Kikuchi, S. Tanabe. (2009). Preliminary Questionnaire Survey on Information Delivery System for Ingredients of Construction Products. Proc. Healthy Building 2009. Paper 543.

  3. Y. Katsuyama, N. Shinohara, K. Kumagai, M. Fujii, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). Emission of diisocyanates in indoor air. Proc. Healthy Building, 1, pp.404-408.

  4. Y. Kai, M. Fujii, K. Kumagai, N. Shinohara, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). A new Method to measure the emission rate of VOCs with passive flux sampler and evaluation of PFS with reference material. Proc. Healthy Building, 1, pp.480-485.

  5. M. Jona, K. Kumagai, N. Shinohara, M. Fujii, A. Iio, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). Pilot study on VOCs during indoor renovation. Proc. Healthy Building, 3, pp. 406-411.

  6. M. Fujii, K. Kumagai, N. Shinohara, J. Kawahara, Y. Okuizumi, Y. Katsuyama, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). Measures to conserve cooling and heating load using a pulse ventilation system and adsorbent materials. Proc. Healthy Building, 2, pp. 681-685.

  7. Y. Okuizumi, K. Kumagai, M. Fujii, H. Yoshino, N. Shinohara, A. Mizukoshi, Y. Yanagisawa. (2003). Passive parallel VOCs and ventilation rate sampler. Proc. Healthy Building, 2, pp. 475-479.

  8. S. Nakai, Y. Yanagisawa, J. Kawahara, N. Shinohara, K. Kumagai, K. Abe, K. Jin. (2002). Indoor environment of the chemical sensitivity (CS) patient house at asahikawa, Japan. Proc. Indoor Air, 1, pp. 607-611.

  9. M. Fujii, N. Shinohara, A. Lim, Y. Yanagisawa. (2002). Emission of organic acid esters into indoor. Proc. Indoor Air, 2, pp. 955-960.

  10. S. Nakai, M. Takeda, K. Nishiyama, N. Shinohara, K. Kumagai, Y. Yanagisawa. (2002). H3 study group, The Hokkaido healthy housing (H3) study: study design and baseline findings. Proc. Indoor Air, 4, pp. 444-448.

  11. K. Kumagai, M. Fujii, N. Shinohara, Y. Murase, S. Gishi, J. Yoshinaga, Y. Yanagisawa. (2002). Development of a Passive flux sampler (PFS). Proc. European Conference on Energy Performance & Indoor Climate in Buildings, pp. 147-152.



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